So, I FINALLY got my garden done!!! And, I love love love it! I love having amazing fresh herbs for my picking! Here are some photos of my success. Can you tell I am rather proud of myself???
A quick photo of my just constructed raised garden as I layer the bottom with cardboard and fill with organic dirt. Love those peppers, tomatoes and beautiful green sweet bell peppers!!

Here are some inhabitants of my garden that I added to my yummy lunch. I can honestly tell you, NOTHING is better than fresh cilantro. WOW!!!

Of course, you are fresh mint for my yummy vodka lemonade. The blueberries were hand picked by me and members of my family at a local farm.

OMG, it was a lot of fun!! We got all sorts of different foods.
And below, here I am next to my pride and joy. I walk out daily and say hello to my lovely hard work. I do want to know that some of the plants here were purchased from Home Depot, some I grew from seeds, and some (lettuce) I grew in a bowl of water.